"Do you know Grammar?" She asked with a smiling face.
My eyes switched over from Chetan Bhagat's 2 state to Kamali,the little girl of standard Five.Again she asked " Do you know grammar?"
"Yes" I lied.
"What's the difference between homophones and synonyms?" She asked.
"Err what ?" I said. Even though I heard the question clearly.
"Ice and Eyes sound similar but they are different. That is homophone. Now what is Synonyms ?" .
I couldn't understand that was intentional or she wants to learn.
"Did you ever heard of the term 'அருஞ்சொற்பொருள்' in Tamil" I asked.
She gave a filthiest look on the term 'அருஞ்சொற்பொருள்' as if I have uttered any bad word.
My guess was that with such fluency in English , she should be doing her schooling in Bangalore and that weird look confirmed it . I knew continuing with my peter englipis wont last long, So switched my conversation to Tamil.
I was thinking how to explain this kid, she took the book from my hand and started turning pages.
Again a question popped up , "Why are you reading this book?"
This is the problem with kids. Lot of why's,what's and where's .
"I like reading. You will also be reading such books when you reach my age."
She read the cover page "2 states - The story of my MARRIAGE" and replied with a cunning smile "Now I understand why you are reading this book ".
I had nothing to answer for this.
She asked me a few puzzles as if I m in for any interview. I rely on Microsoft calculator rather than my algebraic qualities. There was no MS calc this time and entire coach was watching us and I had to prove myself to the kid & I did proved myself.
Before she asked anymore questions I asked " Whats you ambition?"
"Ambition na ?? "
"Your future goal?? "
"Ohh..You mean what I wanna become ?? I want to be a software engineer. Everyone in my family is a software engineer. I don't want to be a doctor. You know what,to become a doctor you need to study for 5 years. There are a lot of things to study also. I never want to be a doctor."
I never expected this answer from her. All I remember was I wanted to be a 1st rank holder. That was my only ambition till 9th. More worse is that when asked for "what is your ambition?" in self assessment form, my friend wrote doctor since he doesn't know the spelling for engineer.
But kids now a days are very intelligent. One thing was very clear, these kids are not just what we think they are. Their thoughts and maturity level are independent and far beyond our imagination.
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Hi ,,,, Ur Blog was rly awesum !!!
I enjoy reading all ur stuffs !!!!
Just by chance i looked ur blog & thght tat tis was a gr8 day for me !!!! Coz i also own a blog but i dnt hav any idea abt wat to write in tat !!!! But after reading urs i just realized Evn i Hav A Place Where I cud Speak Out Ma Mind !!!!!!!!
Anyway Keep Writting !!!!
All The Very Best For Ur Future !!!! This was ma 1st time im posting comment in sum1 else BLOG ..... You Made Me To Do Tat !!!
Hope u'll Read tis too !!!!
Take Care !!!!!!
@cute barbie Well, I dunno wat 2 say.. Thanx fr ur big appreciation..I never thght my writin wil inspire someone...
//This was ma 1st time I am posting comment in someone else blog. you made me do that.
Ithu ungaluke over ah illa.. nan antha alavuku ellam worth illengo..
keep reading
na na .... Tats wat the truth !!! U may think like tat but dunno sumthing pulls me towards ur blog !!!! & i've read all ur post !!!
So waiting for ur new one .... :)
Keep Writting / Smilling :)
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